Friday, April 10, 2009

Cross Stitch Designs - Baby Gifts

I learned to cross stitch from my grandmother. And I've always enjoyed it, but I felt that I was limited to working with kits or other people's charts. The cost of those kits and charts was enough to keep me from picking this up as an adult. When I was expecting my second child, I had a surge of creativity, and created 2 designs for her - one a geometric pattern, and the other my own charting of "Babies Don't Keep". These pieces have never been fully finished and displayed! Bad mommy!
"Patchwork" - 4 colors
"Babies Don't Keep"

My personal cross stitch designs incorporate simple color schemes, geometric shapes, and usually other embroidery methods as well. I likes squares and diamonds, but I will occasionally let my imagination wander within those boundaries, sort of in a "stream of consciousness", until I'm pleased with the result.

Custom gift for a friend's first-born - we waited a long time for her!

It's interesting, I didn't think about it before, but the ideas that caught my attention and inspired me during that time were related to babies and small children.

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