One day, about 3 years ago, my husband was watching me stitch, and asked me, "What are you going to do with all these things?" I'd collected quite a few little pieces of Hardanger - I was inspired by the form and the simplicty, and kept myself busy stitching. I didn't have an answer for him. That's where the idea of making appliqued pillows arose. But I'm a practical person. I like things to be beautiful and useful. So I started thinking about making bags. For Christmas 2008, all the women in my family received tote bags. Each bag was made of a sturdy, solid color material, with a fun, patterned accent fabric. Each bag also featured an embroidered pocket, inspired by the accent fabric. I had so much fun choosing the fabric for each recipient, and designing the pockets to not only complement the fabrics, but to also reflect the recipients' personalities. Here are some examples:

Open Wreath, with purple swirl

Faith, Hope & Love, with pink & yellow plaid

Little Treasure Clock face design (not my personal design, modified slightly) with tan "bamboo"

Pinwheel with multi-small floral - colors pulled out in the embroidery are the aqua and lavender.